Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Parker dislikes Camera Phones

Let's talk for a brief minute about the worst technological update in the history of cell phones, the camera phone.

I have ZERO mascot counterparts who enjoy these contraptions.

As a mascot who takes close to 200+ pictures on a SLOW night, I feel I have the right to voice my opinion on these terrible picture taking devices......

Here we go:
  • It takes people 2 minutes to figure out how to turn the camera portion on.
  • Adults never know how to use their kids phones.
  • Everybody has one. You used to be able to go to an appearance or walk through a concourse and not have every single person stop and take a picture they'll probably never use.
  • Who actually uses the pictures from their camera anyway?

I really do feel bad for people who miss their opportunity to take a picture with me....I really want everyone to be able to get up close and personal with yours truly. It's just tough when I have to wait so long for people to figure out how to use their phone, I mean camera.

--Parker "The Camera Phone Loving Mascot"

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