Friday, April 18, 2008

Go Away...Let Me Sleep for the Love of!

I may be new to this whole blog/plog thing, but I'm guessing this is the earliest a mascot has ever posted online. As I'm typing this, it's 5:55 AM. That's right, AM.

See....mascots and bears, don't like getting up early in the morning. It's just nature.

I'm also tired because I stayed at The Chuk a little late last night...Here's why. A Gatorade commercial was being filmed at the stadium last night and I hung around trying to land a spot, but had no success.

It's the last game of the opening homestand, and my prediction tonight is that two teams will play baseball, one will win and I will probably spill something on myself.

I've got two more morning show hits to do here at 6:15 and 6:45, and then it's back to bed for good 'ole Park-dizzle.

Your favorite sleep deprived mascot,


1 comment:

scarter said...


You're lucky we didn't make you show up at 4:00 am after that streaking stunt you pulled at last night's game.